The Best Homeschool Planners and Homeschool Resources for Free

Did you know that one of the key to homeschool success is having the right planner at your fingertips? Having a homeschool plan has so many benefits: it starts the day off right, keeps your focus and direction on important subjects, and gives you a stress free outcome throughout the day. Do you have a homeschool planner? If not, I’ll share with you incredible and valuable free homeschool resources to get you started.

The wonderful thing about homeschool organization is that you can start anytime! There have been many times where we had to adjust our homeschool plan. We’ve even had to make major changes in our curriculum and having a homeschool plan makes my job and their lives so much easier.

Don’t ever think that you have to wait until the beginning of a new school year or new year, any time of the year is perfect! Let’s do this — we need our daily lives to have purpose and meaning, so let’s do all things in decency and in order. Now is the time, busy moms and teachers!

Free Homeschool Planner

There are so many homeschool resources, but where do you begin? Let’s start with a free homeschool planner printable! It’s simple, yet, very effective and gives your day a well planned strategy. With this free simple homeschool planner, you’ll set homeschool goals for each subject, write a student plan with a list of curriculum, then create your weekly homeschool lesson planner.

The homeschool lesson planner will include a weekly dashboard of subjects and expectations for each student. You’ll include page #s, page count, and days of week.

Next, a homeschool calendar will give you a year at a glance or snapshot of monthly events including field trips, tests, special events, etc. This quick at-a-glance layout is available in two different formats; the first starting in January and the second starting in September.  However, use it whatever month works best.

Free Homeschool Portfolio

Homeschool record keeping is a necessary part of a successful homeschool, plus many states require it. While there are many systems and homeschool available, a popular choice is a homeschool portfolio.

What is a homeschool portfolio? A homeschool portfolio is simply a method to record assessments, grades, abilities, experiences or anything you deem important for future review. Remember, this document will grow and change over time, but it’s important to begin with the basics.

In addition, homeschool record keeping programs eliminate the stress of writing an end of year assessment using only your memory. Plus, it reminds you of the wonderful progress your child has made while revealing areas of for improvement. And, I love how it shows each students creativity and personalization that is not reflected in tests or exams.

Free Homeschool Resources

Now that you’ve got a concrete homeschool plan, your record keeping system is in place, it’s time to utilize more free homeschool resources to make your homeschool day easier. If you have a child that enjoys hands on learning, unit studies are a great solution!

We have developed a series of homeschool unit study helps that are designed to give you ideas that are creative, fascinating, and exciting for your homeschool students. For example, our year of free unit studies is a great start to get those creative juices going and flowing freely.

You’ll love the topics and your ikds will discover so much about the world and their surroundings, one subject at a time. Why are unit studies so effective? Unit studies provide flexibility, save time, and increase learning capacity. Unit students allow students to understand the framework of a topic by including several subjects.

If you are not creative or don’t have time and would like prepackaged unit studies, try our handful of fun and free homeschool unit studies! We’ve included these free unit studies in our year of unit studies resource.

Homeschool Assessment: Inventory Tips

Now that we’ve got our homeschool planning, homeschool portfolio, and homeschool resources available at our disposable, let’s discuss how we can best review whether our homeschool planning has been a success. While these homeschool assessment tips were designed for January, these would be a great homeschool resource to use after planning has been executed.

Try a mid-year or even a month review of your homeschool environment. It’s time to assess your progress, make changes, and even set new goals for the rest of the year. This Homeschool Checklist is a great way to review your homeschool day. And, if you are finding it’s all work and no play, add some more educational field trips. Remove curriculum that takes the fun out of learning, and replace it with your family’s learning styles.

Homeschool Organization

Now that we’ve taken care of homeschool paperwork, let’s take care of our organization homeschool operation. Do you find your homeschool classroom needs decluttered? Here are 5 quick tips on getting your homeschool organized and tidy so you have less mess and less stress!

Homeschool organizing doesn’t have to be frustrating and stressful. Instead, follow these 5 quick homeschool organizing tips to tackle the clutter.

  • Write a list of curriculum you are using
  • Remove unwanted homeschool curriculum
  • Remove broken homeschool materials
  • Resell your unused homeschool curriculum
  • Find permanent storage solutions to keep materials tidy

You can find all of these 5 homeschool organizing tips with more details as you conquer the homeschool clutter. Don’t forget, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and a constantly changing process. Not one curriculum works best for everyone, and not one procedure works for every student. Find out what works best for you and your family, and just stick with it! Great job, Mom, you made it this far, that means you’re ready to make it a successful homeschool day!

Homeschool Planning Pack

This homeschool planning pack will keep you on track with goals, curriculum, orders, and teach your student to maintain an independent weekly calendar.

Student Portfolio Pack

Grab this student organizing pack to help you keep track on meeting state homeschooling requirements and your own homeschool goals for the year.

Homeschool Checklist {mid-year evaluation}

Grab these 9 tips on a mid-year review to evaluate how your homeschool is running, and how your children are learning. Plus, track your homeschool goals with these 7 essential tips.

Classroom Organizing Tips

Grab these tips to make your homeschool or classroom tidy and neat every day of the week.

Monthly Unit Studies {for entire year}

Grab these wonderful unit study ideas for topic-based lessons that include several subjects like math, history, science, and more! You’ll discover solar system studies, literature studies, Marie Curie biography studies and SO much more!

Mushroom Unit Study

Head out on a nature walk and look for different types of mushrooms or other fungi with this mushroom unit study as your child gets practice with spelling, nature, journaling, and more!

Parts of a Pine Cone Unit Study

Parts of a Pine Cone unit study includes valuable worksheets, charts and a notebooking Page.

Trees Unit Study

Learn all about trees with this fantastic trees unit study –you’ll find coloring worksheets, cut and paste, labeling, notebooking, and more!

Pumpkin Unit Study

Grab this pumpkin unit study for kids that includes handy hands-on activities like worksheets, notebooking pages, and more.


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