Author - Valerie Mcclintick

Simple First Day of Homeschool Traditions

You've spent hours planning and days shopping for curriculum supplies. Now, the first day of homeschool is right around the corner! So, how are you feeling? Excited? Nervous? Back to school is a special time for everyone, including homeschool families. Make your first day memorable and exciting for your family...

Homeschool Curriculum by Teaching Style

Choosing a homeschool curriculum is one of the biggest decisions for homeschool families. There are many different homeschooling styles and even more homeschool curriculum providers. So, how do you know which homeschool syle and curriculum is best for your family? Hands-On Homeschooling Curriculum from The...

George Washington Craft

Did you know when George Washington was born? He was born Feb 22, 1732. That was a long time ago! He was the first president of the United States and was considered one of the reasons why we enjoy our freedom today. In celebration of America's Birthday, here is...