Making your own homeschool craft resources not only saves you money, it can be a learning experience as well! Children love the hands on experience that comes with each of these different recipes and enjoy learning about the different ingredients of some of the familiar products they use everyday.

How to Make Playdough
This is a quick and easy way to make soft and long lasting playdough. I have yet to find a better recipe that leaves your kitchen with no pots to clean! This is a fantastic way to add a bit of science and math to your day, and the finished product is FUN!
How to Dye Noodles
Colored noodles are great for craft projects! Use this recipe a day a head of time to have some brightly colored noodles for your project. These are fantastic for beading, mosaics, and even Preschool activities
How to Make Salt Dough
Here is a simple Salt Dough Recipe you can Salt dough is fantastic for making 3-d maps and dioramas. This dough dries on its own, or you can speed up the process with the oven.
How to Make Paper Mache
This is a basic paper mache recipe. It calls suitable for children’s craft projects. This for one part flour to one part water. The one is super messy and makes a great outdoor activity.
How to Make Puffy Paint
Puffy paint is another kind of texture paint that is useful for Dioramas and Expressive Art. This paint dries with a soft, raised texture similar to the puff paint you can purchase in the store.
How to Make Paper Pulp
This is a quick and easy way to make soft and long lasting playdough. I have yet to find a better recipe that leaves your kitchen with no pots to clean! This is a fantastic way to add a bit of science and math to your day, and the finished product is FUN!
How to Make Texture Paint
Here is a recipe for how to make gritty textured paint. This paint is great for Earth Science dioramas and any time you need to add texture to a craft. Would be fantastic for desert and beach scenes or simply use it to bring dimension to a canvas.
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