Fall Leaf Art Project & Template

Fall Leaf Art Projects for Kids

Even though we have a TON, of Free Fall Art Projects for Kids....some of them can be a bit messy. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Oil Pastel and Watercolor Spray Paint, but sometimes it's nice to keep the mess to...

How to Start a Kids Weather Station

Homeschoolers don’t get snow days (most of the time) but the weather is still a part of their learning. Meteorology is an engaging science with plenty of hands-on learning opportunities. Let’s face it, the weather is always there! No matter where you live, you experience weather first hand, on a...

Mushroom Unit Study

September is National Mushroom Month, its the perfect time to dive into a nature study on the topic. You really don’t need to wander farther than your own backyard, the next open field, or local state park to unearth your next nature study. There are so many things to learn...

One Small Square Nature Journal

Nature Journals are a popular way to engage children in the great outdoors. The flora and fauna of your local neighborhood become the teachers in the ultimate open-air classroom. Detailed nature studies are exciting, but can also be a good deal of work. As a summer alternative, try a tiny...