Keeping Christ at the Center of Easter

Keeping Christ at the Center of Easter

Easter is on its way, and the stores are full of chocolates and bunnies. As Christians, we know what Easter is really about. We want our children to focus on Christ’s resurrection, not just the candy. Here are some fun ways to keep Christ at the center of your Easter celebrations.

Be More Christ-Like Ideas

At the Last Supper, Jesus did something amazing. He bent down and washed the apostles’ feet.

You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am.

If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet,

you also ought to wash one another’s feet.

For I have given you an example,

that you should do as I have done to you.

Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master;

nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him.

If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.

John 13: 13-17

Washing the feet of others has become a symbol of service and devotion. Why not try it in your home? You can pair up family members to wash each other’s feet or have each person wash everyone else’s.

You can also do a metaphorical foot washing. Place the name of each family member in a hat or box. Have each member draw one name. Now each person has to decide how he or she will serve their assigned family member. This could be a fun game like “secret Santa.” Or you can serve each other openly. However, you chose to “wash each other’s feet” the point is to serve each other in big ways out of love.

Easter Cross Coloring Pages

Backyard Easter Scavenger Hunt Game

We all know about Easter Egg Hunts. This is a fun, biblical twist. Print out scripture verses on slips of paper. Fill plastic Easter eggs with the verses. Hide the eggs throughout your backyard. Now it is time to find the eggs! This can be done together or individually. For individual hunts, use color coded eggs to make sure everyone finds all the verses.

Finding the eggs is only the beginning, though. Now it is time for the scavenger hunt. You can hide small toys, candies, or tokens that correspond to each verse or have the children get creative. See who can find a symbol for each verse in your yard.

How to Make Resurrection Rolls

Resurrection Rolls are more than just another Easter treat. They tell the story of the burial and resurrection of Christ. These are easy to make and very kid-friendly. You will need a roll of refrigerator rolls or croissants, marshmallows, melted butter, and cinnamon.

  1. Lay out all the ingredients and wash everyone’s hands.
  2. Pour some cinnamon on a plate and place it next to the melted butter.
  3. Give each child a marshmallow. Tell them that this represents Jesus’ body that suffered to save us from our sins.
  4. Have each child dip and coat the marshmallow with butter. This symbolizes his mother and friends anointing Him with oil.
  5. Roll the buttered marshmallows in cinnamon. The cinnamon represents the spices that were mixed with the oil.
  6. Now give each child a roll or croissant. Stretch them out slightly but be sure not to rip them.
  7. Wrap the dough around each marshmallow, just like Jesus was wrapped in a burial shroud.
  8. Now place the wrapped marshmallows onto a baking sheet and put it in the oven. Tell the children about how Jesus was laid in a tomb that was sealed with a large rock. Close the oven door.
  9. It’s time to set the timer. Just like the centurions stood watch, the timer will make sure we don’t take them out too soon!
  10. When the rolls are ready, take them out and cut one open. The inside is empty, just like Jesus’ tomb.
  11. The rolls will be sweet inside. Remind the children how sweet it is to be forgiven of our sins.
Watercolor Easter Cross Bible Craft

Christ in Easter Ideas

Jesus asked us to spread the Good News to all the nations! Many people will not get to be with family this Easter. They are too sick or frail to be home. The current pandemic has made life even harder for those in the hospital and nursing homes. Most are not allowing visitors. But there is always hope for those who know and love Christ.

Easter Cross Bible Bookmarks

Send messages of hope to your local hospital or nursing home. Make cards, draw pictures, or simply handwrite an Easter card. Include your favorite verse about hope. Let those who feel forgot to know how much they are loved.


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