Notebooking is a hands-on way to teach children about ANY topic! Â We have recently added many notebooks to our personal homeschool, and have found the methods to work wonderfully for multiple ages and topics. Â The simplest way to notebook is to start with a three ring binder and premade notebooking pages. Â Encourage your children to add drawings or photos to the supplied areas, and facts or thoughts onto the blank lines. Â As children understand the idea of notebooking provide them with blank pages for them to decide where their images and text will go. Â Add in minibooks and lapbooking elements as well physical items that can be taped added to the notebooking journal.

Blank Notebooking Pages
Our blank notebooking pages are great for adding some extra pages on any topic. Children can customize each sheet by adding their own artwork or clippings. This includes a set of Horizontal notebooking worksheets as well.

Notebooking Cover Sheets
This is a set of free printable Notebooking cover sheets. I created these for my children to use as binder covers to help organize all of our notebooking resources. There are printables to insert in the side of the binder as well.
History Notebooking Dividers
A set of colorful History Notebooking Dividers to help children separate different periods in history. This set coordinates with the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia so you can easily build your own History notebook with one reference book as your core.
History Notebooking Pages
We are using the Mystery of History in our classroom this year, and this page has all of the crafts, activities and printables that we’ll be using alongside this amazing program!
Writing Notebook Printables
Use our printable writing tools as helpful guides during your writting lessons. Parts of Speech, Transitions, Exiting Marks, and Citing Sources These sheets are great to store in your writing notebook or as a stand alone resource for learning about different parts of speech, writing transitions, citing sources, and common editing marks.
Notebooking with Living Books
This year we are using a variety of living books from our Heritage History curriculum. I made of the individual History stories my children will be reading. This is a great set to use when you’ve got a week to explore your book
Aquarium Notebooking Pages
Our Aquarium Notebooking Pages go wonderfully with a field trip to the aquarium. I made this set for our trip to the Newport Aquarium in Newport, Oregon. The types of animals at your own aquarium might be different, and I’ve included themselves.
American Government Notebooking
Making an American Government notebook is a great project you can do with children of any age. Use them as a buildable resource, adding new facts and resources each year as you study about our great Nation. We have some great printables to help you organize your notebook.
What’s That Bug? Notebooking Page
Our Scientific Discovery Notebooking Printables would be great to have on hand for when your children come to you with different creatures they have found in the backyard. Includes What’s That Bug? What’s That Bird? What’s That Animal?
Butterfly Notebooking Pages
Our butterfly notebooking pages are filled with beautiful full color photographs of a variety of different butterflies. This is a great set for children to practice their very best handwriting to compile their butterfly facts. Consider using these pages as a poster report for the end of your unit study.
Fishing Notebooking Pages
Our fishing pages are great for children with creative minds! Use these beautiful sheets to encourage children with their fictional or true fishing adventures. If you have boys, this might be a great way to get them involved with creative writing.
Pledge of Allegiance Printables
Our Pledge of Allegiance Printables are a great way to add some patriotism into your classroom. Younger children can use the color pages, while older children can use the notebooking pages and copywork sheets. This set includes the pledge written in the shape of a cross.
Star Spangled Banner Visuals
We have a nice set of patriotic notebooking pages and visuals you can use with your thematic units. Children can learn The Star Spangled Banner, and use our printables to copy other Patriotic songs in their notebooks.
Comments (6)
[…] Notebooking Pages from Crafty Classroom […]
Thank you so much for this valuable resource! Our family is truly appreciative!
When will your New Testament history notebook pages be available? I soooo appreciate your work. Thank you so much.
These pages are so very helpful. Thank you!!!!!!
You have created EXACTLY what I was looking for! A free printable of The Star Spangled Banner with pictures so all my kiddos could learn it. I can’t thank you enough!!
thank you so much for the notebooking pages. im just starting with this and wish you could recommend some good resources? i just want to learn more about it? Thank you, cristy eirich