Thanksgiving Math Games for Kindergarten

Thanksgiving Math Games for Kindergarten


Thanksgiving is right around the corner and you might be looking for fun ways to get your students learning this holiday season!  I know my kiddos sure enjoy a little FUN during the holidays and with our brand new Thanksgiving SMART Pack you can still include educational content


Thanksgiving BUMP is a super fun way to work on multiplication facts.  Using a paperclip spinner students spin and multiple the number they land on by 10.  Then, they cover that number with one of their markers (coin, flat marble) and it’s the next student’s turn.  The goal is to get four in a row covered.  If a number is already covered by the opponents marker you can, ‘BUMP,’ them off.   A fun follow up worksheet is provided to reinforce skip counting by 10’s.

Thanksgiving SPIN and FRAME is another fun game for younger students.  Children spin with a paperclip spinner then frame the number in the ten frame below.  Provide students with fun holiday candies, such as candy corn or candy pumpkins to use as counters.  A simple follow-up worksheet is provided to show mastery.



Turkey Trot is a FUN game for students learning to count to 100!  Students take turns rolling the dice, adding their number and moving their marker across the hundreds board.  Land on a multiple of 10 and you get to roll again.  First one to 100 wins!   A simple follow up worksheet is included for students to work on number value.

Roll a Turkey Printable Game is a fun drawing activity that also builds basic addition skills.  Students roll two dice, add the value and then draw the corresponding turkey feature on their paper.  Lots of silly turkeys will be made with this printable game.  A follow-up worksheet provides students the opportunity to build addition equations, or work on number dot patterns.


Thanksgiving BINGO isn’t your average BINGO game!  This game works with multiples of 10 so the calling cards are multiplication problems.  The bingo caller will call out the problem (10 x 7) and the students will mentally solve the problem and find the correct square on their bingo board.  The first one to get a bingo wins!


Find these 5 Thanksgiving Games and more in our new Thanksgiving SMART pack:


Let us do your holiday planning for you!  SMART stands for Science, Math, Art, Reading and Take Home Review.  We’ve included FIVE full days of thematic games, worksheets, and activities for your students covering all the bases.  Everything prints in the order needed, simply print and go!   Click Here for More Sample Pages.



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