Investing In Your Students – Making Time

23 Investing in Your Students Making Time

Investing In Your Students – Making Time

23 Investing in Your Students Making TimeAs a teacher, you do more than simply teaching reading and writing to your students. You teach them how to be law-abiding citizens, how to be kind friends, how to be a good person.Teaching is about investing in your students, making time to teach them everything they need to know to be successful in life. Here are a few ideas for making time so that you can make it a priority to invest in your students.

Investing in your Students: Making Time

Investing in your students is important. When you make time for your students, you’re creating a connection. This connection will make it easier to teach your students what they need to know, everything from reading skills to character development. Investing in your students is something you won’t regret. Here are some things you can do to make time.

 Use Your Lunch Time

A great way to make time to invest in your students is to use your lunch time if you get duty-free lunch. They will notice it when you use your personal time for them, making them feel special. Once a week or every other week, take one lunch and spend it in the cafeteria with the kids. You’ll still get your personal time every other day, but making the effort that one special day every week will truly make a difference.

Join Them At Recess

The next time you’re on recess duty, join your students. Walk around and talk with them, join in on their game, whatever it takes to make use of your duty time to connect with them. If you have inside recess one day, start a game with all of the kids so that you can learn about each other. Since you already have recess duty regardless, make the most of this time in which you can invest in your students.

Stand By Your Classroom Door

When you students arrive each morning, stand by your classroom door and greet them. Take a few seconds to ask them questions about their lives, checking in on how things are going. This is the perfect time to invest in your students since you can’t use it for lessons anyway. This personal greeting will help set a positive mood for the day and will further develop your connection with your students.

Watch a Game or Concert

If your students have a sporting event or concert coming up, plan to stop by and watch. You don’t need to attend each and every one, but if you make a plan to go to a game here and there, your students will see you. They will appreciate the fact that you’re there for them, letting them know that you care about them and are invested in them.

Don’t Forget Self-Care

In order for you to have the time to invest in your students, you will need to remember self-care. If you burn yourself out, you won’t have as much to contribute to your students. Instead of obsessing about lesson plans or grading all weekend, make sure you take a day for you and your family so that you’re more refreshed when you start the work week. It might seem counterintuitive, but taking a break can make you more productive when you get back to it!

Investing in your students will be rewarding for both you and the kids in your class. This will help you develop a strong and binding relationship with your students, creating a fun and respectful atmosphere in your classroom. By making time for your students, you’re showing them that you care for each and every one of them.


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  • Homeschool New Year's Resolutions - The Crafty Classroom Reply

    […] Put aside the “have to’s” and “should have” items that are nagging at your brain. Simply, enjoy some time with your children without an agenda. If this is one of your homeschool resolutions this year, […]

    January 3, 2020 at 6:00 am

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