ABC Animal Matching Game

If your child already knows their alphabet, it might be time to introduce upper and lowercase forms of each letter, as well as beginning sounds.
We’ve just release this free game called “Creature Cravings” that will provide you with opportunity to review and build new language skills with your child. From Alligators eating Apples to Zebra’s eating Zucchini, this game is sure to be a hit with your children. Print this game Free Here from
Comment (1)
This is a very beautiful and attractive game for children. At the same time it is quit a manipulating and stimulating game too. I believe that putting the cards together and seeing them fit will also give the children a mental stability of doing things and being satisfied at the result or outcome. This game is very educational and will surely enhance (head start t home too) children to learn – hands-on, matching phonic, colours and even numbers (1/2) shapes. This is a very exceptional game. I have not printed it out yet nor use it but just from watching it I can already see all the above that I have said. Thanks for such a wonderful educational game. Keep up the excellent job. Thank God for people like you who have the talent and gift for doing such a wonderful job.