Pledge of Allegiance Printables

Even though we don’t recite the Pledge of Allegiance each morning in our homeschool classroom, my children have learned it through various extra curricular groups and activities.
Awana, American Heritage Girls, Boy Scouts and even church activities all make sure that children know this important patriotic pledge.
So I didn’t make this set as a way to memorize the pledge,
though you certainly could use it as such,
but I created this set more as a kick starter for a discussion about our nations position under God.
There is a coloring page for young children
a tracer page for early students,
and blank notebooking pages for older children.
I also wanted to include this chart that features the pledge written in the shape of a cross. This might be a good sheet to hang in your classroom, or as a cover of a notebooking binder.
Click Here to download this Set!
And if you’re looking for more resources
be sure you check newest release from our sponsors, Learn Our History.
They are offering a Free DVD that will helps children understand how all of our rights and freedom come directly from God, in “One Nation Under God.”
You can watch a preview of the video here, and learn how to join!
So now I’m wondering, Do you recite the Pledge of Allegiance in your classroom each morning?
Comments (2)
[…] This is a small set of printables to help you teach your children the pledge of allegiance. Younger children can color in the the coloring pages, while older children can use the notebooking pages as copywork. This set includes a printable chart with the pledge in a shape of a cross. This is a great starter set to begin teaching your little ones that we are a nation under God. Click Here to Print This Set! […]
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