On this page you’ll find lots of useful tools you can make….all you have to do it get a little crafty! These tools can be used in your Homeschool or Classroom setting as an alternative to purchasing pre-made educational materials. Not only will you save money, but you’ll be able to customize your classroom to fit the needs of your children!Homeschooling doesn’t have to be expensive. In designing these resources we’ve purposly used inexpensive items that you might already have on hand.

DIY Base 10 Manipulitives
These bean counting sticks are perfect for children who are learning about place value.
These make a great math manipulative for your homechool classroom
Math Mini Office Printables
This mini office has really helped during those times when I’ve got two different
children asking me simple math questions they can easily learn to look up and answer
themselves! These make great self guided learning books and you can customize them to suit your child’s needs.
Math Facts Learning Folder
Learning multiplication tables takes lots of practice, and lots of repetition! Use this handy folder with all your children as you
teach them their times tables!
Printable Math Games
These printable math mats have a fun Bug 1-12. Cards include number, written form, and
picture of corresponding amount of bugs! You need to laminate these or put these in
protective sleeves.
DIY Number BeanBags
Making beanbags can be fun, and sewing numbers on them make them great for math and PE activities. It’s also a great way regular math lessons.
Making Math Games
This is a math sentences game for children to learn how to solve simple math addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division.
Math Master Score Chart
This is a printable chart for children to keep track of their Math Fact Scores! These you
want to encourage a little intrinsic motivation!
Math File Folder Games
We use file folder games to reinforce skills in all areas and subjects. Most of the games we
make we share on our sister site File Folder Fun.
Favorite Homeschool Tools
Sometimes having just the right tool can help you prepare your lessons in half the time. I have taken then time to review each recommended product so that you can see what we love about each one. If you’re new to homeschooling, please don’t think that these machines and products are required to homeschool, they are a culmination of products we bought over the last seven years.
Comment (1)
[…] This teaches how to follow a line. It also develops fine motor skills and coordination. Pom poms, beans, marbles, seeds, or acorns are perfect for transferring practice. Really anything can be used. Raid […]