Our Homeschool Classroom

It’s week 2 of the Not-Back-to-School Blog Hop,
and that means Homeschool Classroom photos!
I love going through all the different posts for new ideas,
but if I’m not careful sometimes I get Homeschool Classroom envy.
(it’s a real disease)
For me, it’s easy to go from inspired to discouraged if my ideas
don’t pan out the way I had them figured out in my head.
To add to the matter,
We don’t exactly have a separate classroom.
We school out of our dining room,
which means I have to be creative about decorating.
Currently our “classroom” is a work in progress.
I’m starting with a very blank slate and slowly adding too it.
So here are the bones we’re working with:
We’ve got our dining table which serves as our main teaching area.
It’s hard to see, but in the back I have a small white board.
I’d like something larger, but again I don’t want my dining area too “cubicle”
Maybe I’ll get lucky and be chosen to review a Hidden Whiteboard
A desk area for computer time and for educational videos.
I’ve got a world map, and a U.S. map on either side of the window.
I love having these maps on the wall,
but I’m thinking of getting something a bit more “old world” looking and then framing them.
I will totally share if I ever get around to doing this…
A corner cabinet to store our Notebooking binders.
Storage Drawers in what is supposed to be a pantry.
These drawers are just around the corner and hold the children’s textbooks and everything else.
I have a few drawers to myself to store teaching workbooks and supplies.
(You can tell it’s REALLY organized….. *snicker*)
My favorite part of our classroom are these shadow box displays.
These turned out to be a great way to showcase my children’s artwork
(keeping it OFF my fridge)
and they look wonderful in the dining area.
So there it is! That’s where you’ll find us all year long :)
It will NEVER be as clean as it is now
until it’s time for next year’s post ;)
I’m hoping that by next year I’ll have some really cool “Dining/Classroom” decorations up!
And to ensure I haven’t elicited any feelings of homeschool envy,
Here is a shot from the other side of the room…
where you can see that my couch is loaded with laundry.
Clean laundry….but nevertheless…
This is essentially how it stays year round.
If you ever came to my house and my couch wasn’t covered in laundry,
I have either moved it all to my bed,
or payed the children a ridiculous amount of money to make it disappear.
Such is the life of a blogging homeschooler.
Comments (14)
Thank you for your pictures! We too share our diningroom with our schoolroom. I can appreciate the simplicity of the room and I really liked your shadowbox idea for displaying artwork….I would like to do something like that in our space. I drool over some of the schoolrooms Ive seen, but nice to know ( and see) that we can still have a nice learning space even if its a shared space! Thanks again!! Rosie
Thanks for sharing the pictures. I aspire to have my kitchen table/classroom to be that organized one day. Thank you, thank you for showing your couch with laundry!! That is exactly what my family room looks like. I thought I was the only one with a clean laundry couch. The clothes prefer the couch over chest of drawers!
HA! I have a loveseat that is full of laundry. My precious husband usually folds it when it gets too large. In fact, he’s working on it as I type this. I should feel guilty that he’s doing it while I’m on the computer “lesson planning”, but he got five child free hours with a buddy yesterday morning which I don’t think I’ve had but once or twice ever since we had kids 8 1/2 years ago. HA!
Love your school room! My school room is the first room you see when you walk into our home. I’ve tried to not make it look too school-y but I don’t think I am succeeding.
I love it!! I have never seen the hidden whiteboard before!! That is soooooooo coool!!!!
Ditto me on the dining room and laundry:) Beautiful school area. Thank you for sharing and have a great school year!
Love it. Really tidy and organized! So cute with the laundry comments… haha.. diddo!
Love your homeschool space. I have a small separate area/sitting room for our homeschool. I used a presentation board for the kids calendar and such. It can be out for the kids to see and tucked away for all those other times.
Okay first of all, the hidden whiteboard is such a neat idea! I wonder I could figure out how to make one…hmmmm….
Your school room is so simple and uncluttered…where do you store all of your stuff? ;)
If you are looking for decorating suggestions, I would say go with the old world maps and frame them, then work on a color scheme from the colors of the map. :)
(Just google “decorating with wall maps” and you will find a plethora of ideas!) I want to decorate with maps too…now you’ve got me thinking! ;)
I understand about classroom envy. Our homeschool happens in the dining room, and I have to be careful not to covet the nice orderly classrooms of other homeschool parents. I love the idea of the framed maps (I may have to borrow the idea).
You’ve got great bones! :) I think it looks great! It’s so clean and organized. Wow! I’m totally going to check out the hidden whiteboard now. Thanks! Blessings for a great school year!
Now this just makes me happy! Personally I love homeschooling in my dining room…although that’s just kind of the main area. School just kind of overflows into life for us, so it happens in many places…including my couch, where tonight my son sat on top of clean laundry for story time =)
Hey guys/gals!
My name is Erick Marshall. I’m the owner of The Hidden Whiteboard. I have taken a small hiatus from building these boards. We recently moved and had to stop taking orders because our garage is full of boxes now. We are considering opening back up for business. Hearing about your “shout out” and all the comments are very encouraging. I would be more than happy to send you a sample to review/keep when are open up. We can keep in touch through email if you would like. Have a great day!
Erick Marshall
The Hidden Whiteboard
I think your dining room/school area is delightful! We have an eat in kitchen/school area and I need to work on it to make it more “workable” for us. Love the shadow box art displays! Do they just open to swap out the art?
so glad everyone else has the laundry chair as well. LOL My rule is clean must outway the dirty and we are good. What is a hidden white board did you ever get one? Would love to hear more!