Action Jackson was most known for his painting styles and techniques. He placed his canvas on the floor and used a varitey of different brushes and tools to drip paint. This is a great activitiy for younger children to explore paint splatteringand drips.
- White Paper
- Paint
- Water
- Toothbrush, Straws, Eye Droppers ect.
- Pollack Art Card
Suggest Resources for a Unit Study:
Art Project Tutorial:
Step 1
Go thorough your house and find tools you can use for your action painting.
Step 2
Combs and Toothbrushes can be dipped in paint and used as brushes.
Step 3
Then pressed with your thumb for splatter
Step 4
Eye droppers (or old medicine droppers)
can be used to slurp up runny paint.
Step 5
Make a series of drips across your paper.
Step 6
Straws can be used to blow the paint
droplets around.
Step 7
Fill your paper with all sorts of moving
All Done!
You now have your very own Action
Jackson painting!
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