These are two different Bible verse memory sheets that children can use to work on a weekly bible verse. At the top of the page is a blanks space for if children are ready, they can use that place to copy it directly from their bibles.There is an empty heart at the end of each day’s task for children to fill in when they have completed the daily work.By the end of the week in both versions, children will need to recite their verses without looking and no helps

Preschool Bible Verse Worksheet
This is a weekly bible verse memory sheet for younger children. They are asked to read the verse, draw a picture, locate the verse in their bibles, and recite the verse without looking.
This is a bible verse memory sheet for children who are ready to begin copywork. Children are asked to read their verse, copy their verse in the spaces (you can do print and cursive), and recite their verse without looking.
More Bible Verse Printables
We have a variety of bible verse printables
on our sister sites. Be sure to check them
out here:
Preschool Bible Verse Printables
Bible Verse Bracelets
K-5 Bible Verse Printables
Grapevine Studies has a fantastic bible based curriculum that takes children through each bible story with fun and memorable stick figure drawings.
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